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[Official] The Doubts Thread for Indian Polity



  • What is the difference between "Supplementry grant" and "Excess grant"?
  • Hi @all,esp @Nuralain, @Teddy, @LordCalvin,@FordCoppola

    Please share your views on the following questions n pardon me if any of these have been answered anywhere else


    1)Central council of Health- constitutional or statutory?
    It was established under Art.263 however laxmikanth mentions it as an extraconstitutional device on 13.8(3rd edtn)

    2)Can anyone become a minister even if he is <25 ?

    Technically one has 6 month window to become a MP

    3) laxmikanth n Ncert mentions that a Const.amendment can be initiated only in parliament, however, at another place laxmi mentions that there is one exception- Resolution for creation of LC in state

    Then what to mark in an mcq?

    4)Laxmi clearly mentions that FR can be amended via special majority, however ncert(Indian Constitution-11th,page-204 ) says that along with federal provisions,provisions about FR require ratification by states.
    What's the right answer?

    5)Security of tenure is enjoyed by EC or only by CEC?
    coz laxmi mentions ECs can be removed by Perez on recommn of CEC

    6)Most vital function of legislature?

    I thought it would be legislative but acc. to Ncert, it is the control over Executive

    7)Guv is bounded by aid n advice f CoM or not?

    Laxmi- No

    SC in Guj.Lokayukta case-Yes except when using discretionary power

    So final ans should be Yes?

    8) Audit of local bodies( discussed earlier also but some confusion)

    Laxmi mentions in CAG chapter that CAG can do it only upon request of Prez/Guv

    73rd n 74th CAA -state legislature will decide

    Sorry for a long post, but I think it will help all f us.

    Thanks once again.
  • @Teddy

    Laxmikanth n Ncert both says that legislative function is the basic/primary function but Ncert(page 107, Indian Const.) clearly mentions the most vital function to be control over executive, that's why I asked.

    Hope it doesn't come in exam.... ;)


    Adding on to your info ..
    Central councils of Indian Medicine n of Homeopathy are statutory while those mentioned by u are via Prez orders.

    Still in dilemma about Amendment related to FR n DPSP.....but in general, I think wl go wth your line of thought

    Thanks all
  • Polity doubt (according to laxmikant)=== >
    exempted states and areas under 11th schedule, Panchyat (art 243 to 243 o ) includes J&K, Nagaland,Meghalaya,Mizoram and some scheduled and tribal areas.
    exempted states and areas under 12th schedule, Municipality(art 243p to 243 zg ) includes only scheduled and tribal,
    CAN WE SAY that in J&K,Nagaland,Meghalaya and Mizoram, establishment of panchayat is NOT mandatory by constitution but establishment of municipality is?
    experts plz guide ...
  • Does the government have absolute rights over reserved forests? Can't the tribals graze their cattle their? Then what teeth does the FRA, 2006 have?

    FRA, 2006 does include Reserve Forests for recognition of rights. Reserved forests are the most restricted category, with the government enjoying proprietary rights over them and most uses of the forest by locals were prohibited unless specifically permitted.

    And I think, granting the specific permission, is where the FRA plays a role.

  • How are disputes arising out of sanads resolved?

  • Can President promulgate ordinance when Lok Sabha is dissolved ?
  • I do not think amendment of FR requires ratification by states in any case. Similarly for Dpsp , it is by a special majority only.
    +1 special majority of the parliament
  • Can someone please explain the difference between Special category status and Special Status?
  • Gobhi ke phool plz refer to economic survey. Explained well.
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