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Service Allocation and joining formalities 2014 : Discussion



  • That means all general allocation slips upwards
    Yes. But except IAS. :)>- . Then too it depends on no.of PH candidates. The number has doubled. right?
    Doubling of ph candidates will result in further upward shift or will neutralise the obc effect on general cat allocations??
    I have no idea ..plz explain

  • Without PH candidates (rise), it should slip downwards. But if more IAS goes to them, it may just neutralise or even lead to upward shift of rank. Lets see.

    I remember one official document related to service wise number and total no.of PH candidates alone for CS 2014 which gave 1364 vacancies information. If that is available we can guess to some extent.
  • That document actually gives only the info for VC candidates. Not for other PH categories. Sorry. memory had been clouded.
  • Any insider info from DOPT ?
  • What is the procedure to obtain pay protection and salary protection for those who are already in central government services...????
  • What is the procedure to obtain pay protection and salary protection for those who are already in central government services...????
    Take your LPC , Service Book, relieving letter and submit it to your service academy admin.... though they will try to push back and ask you to defer till you join field postings
  • edited August 2015
    Any sign of SA coming on holidays [-O<.? It is getting very difficult to spend the last few days :(( .
    Please throw some insider infos atleast :-@ .
  • seems upsc uploaded something wrong file it is showing visually handicap vacancies in DANIPS ....which is police services ...anyone please clairify ..
  • That document actually gives only the info for VC candidates. Not for other PH categories. Sorry. memory had been clouded.
    seems upsc uploaded something wrong file it is showing visually handicap vacancies in DANIPS ....which is police services ...anyone please clairify ..

  • edited August 2015
    Actually the service-wise vacancy list circulating in the forum also has the same info for visually challenged. So the info looks reliable. :-?
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