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SBI associate PO related developments and interview preparation



  • @lordirwin I have only registration no. (No roll no.)
    Is there any way to chek the result ?
  • Well checkout your email where the bank sent you an intimation about the exam, that mail will also include you roll number
  • Interview call letters out , share your locations for interview
  • interview on 23rd feb.SBI Parliament Street Office New Delhi.Anyone else having the interview on the same date??
  • same parliament street but different date. Time is 8am.. wil interview start so early or it will be about 10 am practically?
  • @lordirwin .. 172 out of 200que? :o
  • for the people called at 8 am, they will start at around 9:30 after verifying the documents..the process will get over by around 11
  • any experienced guys here who has given interviews(no speculations)....I want to know :

    i have my mother's surname different in application and in my education marksheet . will the affidavit work in such case?
    shd i give affidavit on my own or only when they ask ?
    if i hide the this name difference will it affect later if got selected?
  • this thread seems so dead to me but still if anyone's out there,what next after getting your bank alloted .i mean i want to know by what time will the posting and job letter will be sent to us ??
  • Joining by June .
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