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MAINS 2018 Preparation + Paper Discussion Thread



  • Do the names in the list of selected candidates appear in order or Mark's or something?
    no. roll number wise.
  • Do the names in the list of selected candidates appear in order or Mark's or something?
    Roll number wise
  • sociology performance??

    can you guys tell something on this..
  • Heart says - leave upsc, you're screwing up your career

    Mind says - there's scope for improvement. Try again.

    This exam is like a drug now. Invested way too much to get out now.
  • edited December 2018
    In.. for first time.. in two attempts (long post...)

    But today it appears futile..

    A person who is through my thick and thin for 2 years (till end of mains), who loved me crazy (more than me)pillar of strength, chose to leave me for another guy ,right after mains, pointing I'm very career oriented and don't care for little things. ... just because I distanced her little bit during mains. (It's a long distance and I told her that upfront )

    Sorry about what happened bro! Give your best in interview. Don't go in there thinking that 2/3 will be kicked out.

    Make the best out of what you have at hand now.
  • In. This was my toughest exam. The months before the exam was extremely tough. I had emotional breakdowns. Let's see what interview has in store for me.
    Awesome Trollni :trollface: Wish you all the best :)
    Thank you Didi. :relaxed:
  • In. This was my toughest exam. The months before the exam was extremely tough. I had emotional breakdowns. Let's see what interview has in store for me.
    Awesome Trollni :trollface: Wish you all the best :)
    Thank you Didi. :relaxed:
    B) Keep trolling..Dont become 'intellectual' after selection. Be true :trollface:
  • Failed - this was my fourth mains. Paper went well and was sure of interview call but I know where I lacked. I am quite sure I would be too close to cut off yet so far.

    To People who think they don't know why they didn't clear - self reflect not on how you did or how much you scored but what difficulties you faced while writing the exams. Answer to your problem lies not in seeking answers from others/friends/institutes but self reflecting.

    To those who cleared - you people deserves it because you guys have something which we lacked so congratulations.
  • Failed - this was my fourth mains. Paper went well and was sure of interview call but I know where I lacked. I am quite sure I would be too close to cut off yet so far.

    To People who think they don't know why they didn't clear - self reflect not on how you did or how much you scored but what difficulties you faced while writing the exams. Answer to your problem lies not in seeking answers from others/friends/institutes but self reflecting.

    To those who cleared - you people deserves it because you guys have something which we lacked so congratulations.
    I agree. Was just sitting by myself recollecting the 4 months between pre and mains. Noted down a lot of points where i must do better.
  • Failed - this was my fourth mains. Paper went well and was sure of interview call but I know where I lacked. I am quite sure I would be too close to cut off yet so far.

    To People who think they don't know why they didn't clear - self reflect not on how you did or how much you scored but what difficulties you faced while writing the exams. Answer to your problem lies not in seeking answers from others/friends/institutes but self reflecting.

    To those who cleared - you people deserves it because you guys have something which we lacked so congratulations.
    I agree. Was just sitting by myself recollecting the 4 months between pre and mains. Noted down a lot of points where i must do better.
    Good to hear that. I am no body to say anything but I am very proud of my performance and I know that next attempt I will make it into top 10.

    Don't lose hope. All you need is one attempt to clear. And, hard work isn't the solution. But hard work done smartly in right direction will make you sail through. Find the right direction for yourself

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