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MAINS 2018 Preparation + Paper Discussion Thread



  • Btw just called's coming before Friday .. o:) they exactly said that....
  • i met eng prof from bhu recently....he was speaking about dec last week or jan 1st week. He corrected papers this time. Also he has been doing it since last few times as well.
  • edited December 2018
    i met eng prof from bhu recently....he was speaking about dec last week or jan 1st week. He corrected papers this time. Also he has been doing it since last few times as well.
    From Electrical engg branch(the prof) ?
  • i met eng prof from bhu recently....he was speaking about dec last week or jan 1st week. He corrected papers this time. Also he has been doing it since last few times as well.
    +1 posibility of this torture
  • Btw just called's coming before Friday .. o:)
    Kaunse number pe bhai?
  • Btw just called's coming before Friday .. o:) they exactly said that.... Lady..I asked twice...8591 number..
  • i met eng prof from bhu recently....he was speaking about dec last week or jan 1st week. He corrected papers this time. Also he has been doing it since last few times as well.
    From Electrical engg branch(the prof) ?
    English prof hai Bhai...
  • Looks like sensitive rectums here have gotten inflammated at the cowbelt remark. However, I believe the internet age thrives in pettiness, and I am no exception. Rest, nothing personal, simple observation. You are free to ignore, nothing to get triggered about.
    It's unfortunate that anyone who disagrees with you is ignorant and trigger ready according to you . God bless you Mr Moridin.
    when people feed on parents money..and have nothing individual achievement to show...this is how they look...he is nothing but an arrogant spoilt child of a rich father
    Its better to be rich than an illiterate peasant like you. Mopping a floor today or what m8?
    Looks like sensitive rectums here have gotten inflammated at the cowbelt remark. However, I believe the internet age thrives in pettiness, and I am no exception. Rest, nothing personal, simple observation. You are free to ignore, nothing to get triggered about.
    It's unfortunate that anyone who disagrees with you is ignorant and trigger ready according to you . God bless you Mr Moridin.
    when people feed on parents money..and have nothing individual achievement to show...this is how they look...he is nothing but an arrogant spoilt child of a rich father
    Its better to be rich than an illiterate peasant like you. Mopping a floor today or what m8?
    ha ha..atleast better than being a parasite :smiley:
    Haha, gutter rats generally live alongside parasites. It must be a fun day in your weir.
    ha ha...atleast I have something called self respect not to feed on parents money..but there are some people who call others low IQ but cant even find a job for living..actually such "rats" are unsuitable for any job or one will employ them..or they cant do anything themselves.thats why feeds on parents money and even using internet with parents money :smiley: not everyone who has rich parents feeds on it ..only people with low self esteem and without any self respect do so
    Lmao my last job had a CTC that could buy your whole gutter on the first month. And indeed i dislike working in corporate sector coz i have respect for my time. So i can employ rats like you to do my work...i guess unemployed incels like you will jump if I offer you the minimum wage.

    So...wanna apply? :D
    ha ha..the truth is a guttermouth like you was fired from job...u are good for nothing person.not eligible for any arrogant one cares for a person like you thats why you showoff your money..and regarding offering me a job..u urself have zero income..abhi bhi pocket money leta hoga? :smiley: dude I can hire you to do household chores for me..wanna apply?
    Dude, I am the MD of MY company haha. Wanna see my salary slip? I can modify it anytime i like lmao.

    And i wasnt fired haha, I am from NIT not your Tom Dick Harry college. I came back to my own company coz i wanted time to study for upsc.

    But yeah i'm looking for a guy to do household chores like cleaning the bathroom. I think you are perfect for the role. I suggest you contact my HR. Wanna?
    There are many guys and girls here ( including myself) from good colleges like IIT/NIT. But having done the college with taxpayers money and now shitting about it on others...shows worst form of psychophobia and kiddishness of thought process.
  • Btw just called's coming before Friday .. o:)
    Not..they said clearly not before Friday to me
  • Btw just called's coming before Friday .. o:)
    Not..they said clearly not before Friday to me
    Others can call ..and confirm..
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