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Philosophy 2015

edited November 2014 in Philosophy
I am new in philosophy ...... doing self study ..

can anyone guide me hw to start n wt material should follow ...

all materials i buy ( mitra printed + patangali printed n handwritten --->> photocopy )

1-1 books for evry section


  • You are doing well
    Your first round should begin with limited study material/notes.

    I think by now you would have finished all the materials mentioned above.
    If yes
    Plz respond
  • edited November 2014
    i started with Indian Philosophy with Textbooks ==> 1) CD Sharma 2) dutta and Banerjee. Dutta and banerjee gives clear understanding and language is very simple. Then shifted to CD Sharma and Patanjali (both). Did this for each and every topic in Indian. Eg - For Charvaka i read Dutta and Banerjee ==> CD Sharma ==> Patanjali then made notes out of all three. However, for Indian, except Aurobino, all topics are covered in CD Sharma and Dutta and Chatterjee very well. However, notes are needed to avoid diversions from the syllabus while reading textbooks.

    For western, one can begin with Mitra audio clip (shared buy someone here) ==> Mitra printed material (first mitra because language is very simple) ==> Patanjali (both) ==> any one std text book (i am using Y. Masih). For contemprary western ==> i have only notes with me. No standard textbook. Please let me know if one standard text book is available for this topic.

    have not prepared paper 2 yet. will prepare by Jan.
  • @Chomuphilosopher thanks alot ... rght nw i am doing indian philosophy

    @adithya thnks :)
  • @Chomuphilosopher @Neyawn @aditya ...guyz i am planning to switch my optionals from history to philosophy...I want to get an insight of the subject ,can any one of you upload a pdf copy of dutt and chatterjee . Thank you in advance ..your valuble guidance is much appreciated
  • Hi All, I have finalized Philosophy as an optional for 2015. I visited Mitra's and Patanjali both. Heard Patanjali is more popular hindi medium students and Mitra Sir has a very clear methodology of explaining and is good for english medium. Still I find Patanjali qt. popular. I am really confused as i have to start ASAP. plz suggest..
  • Hi
    I decided to join mitra sir's class starting on 20 nov.How many students per batch?
    @anurag, i too heard that mitra is better than patanjali ...language, concepts and test series wise. Not sure about notes though.
  • Is there anyone else joining mitra's this 20 nov batch? Need some company yoo.
  • Me too guys confused over the million dollar question ...which one is better patanjali or Mitras ???....and whats are the timings available at patanjali...kindly update...
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