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When will the HCS Notification for 2017 be declared?



  • Yar do optionals kaise ho payenge? Ek hi ata hai bas. UP jaisa social work toh hoga nahi. Kya Kia jaye ab

    chacha ji pehle pre to hone do....haryana govt me mains ka kuch confirm ni h kab hoga araam se kar lena
    This time it will be on track... They never mentioned tentative time line for xaams.. So take it on a serious note
    Sneha Tentative Dates kaha per mentioned h?
    I have gone through the website but could not find it.
    Tentative months mentioned h advt me particular date nahi h...sneha was saying ki months(tentative timeline) bhi inhone first time hi diya h
    What are the tentative months for the HCS pre exam ??
  • Yar do optionals kaise ho payenge? Ek hi ata hai bas. UP jaisa social work toh hoga nahi. Kya Kia jaye ab

    chacha ji pehle pre to hone do....haryana govt me mains ka kuch confirm ni h kab hoga araam se kar lena
    This time it will be on track... They never mentioned tentative time line for xaams.. So take it on a serious note
    Sneha Tentative Dates kaha per mentioned h?
    I have gone through the website but could not find it.
    Tentative months mentioned h advt me particular date nahi h...sneha was saying ki months(tentative timeline) bhi inhone first time hi diya h
    What are the tentative months for the HCS pre exam ??
    Bhai diya to h advt. me ...pre tentatively in October aur shayad se mains december recheck


    inke optionals subjects with marks pata ni chal sakte kaise bhi kahi se ??
  • Optionals ki list kya hai?
    Kisi ni download kiya advertisement?
  • 2014 marks in excel
  • Assistant excise taxation officer (ateo) and excise inspector( SSC cgl) me pay scales of both are same..and are ETOs through pcs appointed as assistant commissioner of state excise or as a post equivalent to superintendents of central gst? Plz clarify
  • unlike upsc, in hpsc they did not ask details like exam centre, medium of exam, optional etc. It was just a one page form and then fee payment.after that i printed the filled application form.
    Bas itna hi karna tha na? Am i missing something?
  • Assistant excise taxation officer (ateo) and excise inspector( SSC cgl) me pay scales of both are same..and are ETOs through pcs appointed as assistant commissioner of state excise or as a post equivalent to superintendents of central gst? Plz clarify
    AETO =Inspector, ETO=Supdt.
  • Should enough people stand in unison, all these stupid state commissions could together be taken to court & held on account for asking nonsensical questions which have no bearing whatsoever on any rational mind. There is a huge difference between fact/information & knowledge. Fact (like litter) can not, at any cost, be disguised as knowledge. A case fought on the basis of removing this unfair binary/dichotomy can also help setting up a precedent whereby all educational exams would be judged on this principle alone, failing which they be automatically declared null & void.

    Secondly, why should state PSC ask regional questions & UPSC should not when IAS, IPS unequivocally serve their respective states & are only allocated duties at centre in rotation. Similarly what is stopping in achieving a total uniformity in State PSC & UPSC

    Finally, what explains this random charging of fees by different state commissions. For instance, while for UP the amount is Rs. 125 from unreserved category, the same is Rs.1000 in case of Haryana.

    Have these issues ever been brought to court's notice or are the bearers of civil society so self-indulgent as to give a damn on to what actually affects them the most. Do spread this word more & more because before action should come awareness. Thank you for your patience to read it.
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