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Question Bank for Prelims - CSE 2018



  • The term Sowa Rigpa was in news recently. Consider following statement in this regard.
    1. It is one of the oldest , living and well-documented medical tradition of the world.
    2. It is practised in Tibet , Mongolia, Bhutan and some parts of China
    3. It is recent addition to the existing family of AYUSH system in India.
    Which of the following statement given above is/are correct?
    A. 1&2 only
    B. 2&3 only
    C. 3 only
    D. 1,2&3

    @CaptainCool. AYUSH system contains 6 forms of traditional systems - AYUSH + FOLK. Can u plz explain what basically constitutes Folk system?
  • edited May 2017
    Does Open Market Operation increase Monetary Base and Money Supply ?

    YES. OMO (RBI's quantitative/indirect tool) can be used to control/regulate both Monetary base (which comprises most liquid assets and is a subset of Money supply) and Money supply (M0 to M4).
  • edited May 2017
    Indus water treaty ----Which of the following is correct

    1. Brokered by UN and signed in 1960 WB
    2. India can not use waters of three western river - Indus, Jhelum, Chenab river waters - India can use upto 20% of the river waters by volume
    3. Permanent Indus commission was established to implement it To resolve any disputes reg river water sharing under IWT & for smooth implementation of the agreement

    A Only 1
    B 1 and 2
    C Only 3
    D1, 2 and 3 only
  • edited May 2017
    Indus water treaty ----Which of the following is correct

    1. Brokered by UN and signed in 1960 WB
    2. India can not use waters of three western river - Indus, Jhelum, Chenab river waters - India can use upto 20% of the river waters by volume
    3. Permanent Indus commission was established to implement it To resolve any disputes reg river water sharing under IWT & for smooth implementation of the agreement

    A Only 1
    B 1 and 2
    C Only 3
    D1, 2 and 3 only
    Some addons reg various disputes on river water sharing b/w India and Pakis

    1. Kishenganga project - Kishenganga river - Jhelum's tributary (Jhelum is called Neelam in Pakistan similar to Ganga which is called Padma in B'desh)
    2. Ratle project - Chenab river
    3. Tulbul river navigation project - Wular lake, Jhelum
    4. Miyar project - Chenab
    5. Baglihar dam - Chenab
  • Are INDC and Paris agreement legally binding?
    @Indianbird No. They are not and before you refer to that PIB article, i can say there is some mistake.
  • Which of the following pair is/are correctly matched ?

    1. Himachal and Uttarakhand Himalays ----Duar formation
    2. Peninsular plateau---- Quartzite dykes
    3. Indian desert---- Mushroom rock

    A. 1 and 2
    B. 2 and 3
    C. 3 only
    D. 1, 2 and 3

    3 is correct and first is wrong.Duars in Assam, West Bengal etc.
    Don't know about Quartzite dykes in peninsular region :/
    so, I m gonna assume that what I haven't read (or maybe forgot) :mrgreen: is wrong.. :p
    @KungFuPanda_7 sirjee. How to solve such geography questions?! :/ Hawa bhi nahi lag rahi. From where to cover? Plz guide
  • edited May 2017
    The term Sowa Rigpa was in news recently. Consider following statement in this regard.
    1. It is one of the oldest , living and well-documented medical tradition of the world.
    2. It is practised in Tibet , Mongolia, Bhutan and some parts of China
    3. It is recent addition to the existing family of AYUSH system in India.
    Which of the following statement given above is/are correct?
    A. 1&2 only
    B. 2&3 only
    C. 3 only
    D. 1,2&3

    @CaptainCool. AYUSH system contains 6 forms of traditional systems - AYUSH + FOLK. Can u plz explain what basically constitutes Folk system?
    Traditional medicine / Indigenous / Folk medicine
    --> comprises medical aspects of traditional knowledge that developed over generations
    --> WHO defines traditional medicine as "the sum total of the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures

    North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine (NEIFM) --> under Department of AYUSH looks after the folk medicine (@ Pasighat East Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh)
    --> Aims ---> to survey, document and validate folk medicine practices, remedies and therapies prevalent in the region,
    --> Registered as Society with the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh under Societies Registration Act,1860

    for further information please visit -->
  • Qn. Consider the following statements about emission standards in India:
    1. The Bharat norms set specifications/ limits for the release of air pollutants from
    vehicles only.
    2. India decided to skip implementation of BS-IV norms and will implement BS-VI
    norms from 2022. 2021 for all vehicles
    3. Implementation of new norms require changes in the engines as well as in the fuel.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
    A. 1 only
    B. 1 and 2 only
    C. 3 only
    D. 2 and 3 only
    Correction - We will be skipping BS-V norms to BS- VI ----> By April 1, all of India moves to Bharat Stage IV (BS-IV) vehicular emission norms, already in place in several parts

    Please refer this article i think it was shared before also -->
    @CaptainCool. Have i made any mistake in answering?
  • Tribal affairs minister is not appointed in
    1. Odisha
    2. Madhya pradesh all are Schedule V States, so guessing
    3. Andhra pradesh
    4. Jharkhand

    I hope it is tribal welfare minister.
    Then it's a direct constitutional provision. It's a special power of the governor of Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh and Odisha. Earlier Bihar was also in the list, but after the formation of Jharkhand, it was removed.

  • Qn. Consider the following statements about emission standards in India:
    1. The Bharat norms set specifications/ limits for the release of air pollutants from
    vehicles only.
    2. India decided to skip implementation of BS-IV norms and will implement BS-VI
    norms from 2022. 2021 for all vehicles
    3. Implementation of new norms require changes in the engines as well as in the fuel.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
    A. 1 only
    B. 1 and 2 only
    C. 3 only
    D. 2 and 3 only
    Correction - We will be skipping BS-V norms to BS- VI ----> By April 1, all of India moves to Bharat Stage IV (BS-IV) vehicular emission norms, already in place in several parts

    Please refer this article i think it was shared before also -->
    @CaptainCool. Have i made any mistake in answering?
    Nope you are correct Answer is 3 only
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